Projecto Quorum



Let it be light! And it was … The stage shows itself in all its radiant splendor, empty, uninhabited, without nobody. Even without anyone. Not one person, as opposed to many. Anything. Nothing. A real wilderness.
Suddenly, indistinct voices are heard echoing throughout the theater. Something is happening. There is confusion and the approach of chaos is expected. The expectation increases to levels never seen before, eleven on the Richter scale.
She enters in an accelerated pace, electrifying, with an impatient and defiant expression, armed with her hair literally standing up and causing the stage to explode of post-anticipation. He enters soon after and stops in a position of matador, confident, but something anxious Sure, but rather distressed. Decided, but perhaps hesitant. And so on. He tosses her baritone voice towards her and says in the language of amour as if tomorrow was yesterday: – Cherry !!!! She answers as she slides at high speed through the planes of the stage: – Non! !! He rushes, puts the 10th (bike shift lever ) and pursues her as if the next day had been erased of the calendar. And thus begins the comedy that is a drama but it is a comedy.
P.S .: Dear spectators, so that you know, everything I have described before is not quite like this. Have a nice show.

SPACE IS ONLY NOISE” – by Inês Godinho
… She limits all opposites. Leaves the uncertainty empty, fills the nothingness. It falls on the threshold of the instant / eternal.
– Do You play?
Space becomes infinite within our limitations.
Pieces filled with uncertain voids are broken.
There is a constant search for the other, where the instant resembles the eternity of time in the void.
Within time there are thousands of sounds, bars, particularities … Limits.
Where the “all or nothing” fills the entire void within our uncertainty.
When the Game coexists between the craving and despair of a raw moment, space / time – everything / nothing becomes one.

MOZART” – by Daniel Cardoso.
People closed in a space where the communication appears to the sound of music. Where there is dialogue there are always two sides, two ways of seeing, two different options, two paths. Sometimes we have to ignore the two sides and choose the “third” way … go against the current. This is a work of abstract nature directed towards musicality and quality of movement. This movement is inspired by the musical work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


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